Our Background
Distinctions Asia was founded in 2005 by a team of experienced business leaders as well as human capital and organisational development consultants and practitioners from Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Thailand; with support from alliance partners in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We provide services on below locations:
China / Hong Kong / Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia
Our Mission
“DistincTions” is derived from “Distinct” and “(solu)Tions”.
Thus our mission is:
“providing Distinct Solutions to
help individuals, teams and organizations distinguish themselves”
Our Corporate Identity
Our corporate icon is a calligraphic symbol of a person. The calligraphy emphasizes our Asian focus and roots.
We are proud to be serving the Asian market with our immerse knowledge and experience in the region. Our common heritage and experience with our clients enable us to better align and synchronize with them. The person symbol highlights that our business has to do with people.
We empower and enhance our people to help develop effective people in our client organizations.
The four rays infiltrating the triangle are the solutions we provide:
- Leadership Development
- Coaching / Mentoring
- Assessments
- Talent Selection, Development and Retention
Our Team
The people in Distinctions Asia are uniquely identified by their combined consulting and industry backgrounds. Each professional has worked in an executive capacity before accumulating significant consulting/ coaching/ facilitation experience.
Team of Expert