Change Style Indicator Report
The Change Style Indicator is an assessment designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change.
It provides people of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing through change and provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style.
Children’s DISC Report
Recommended for children ages 8-12.
By helping a parent better understand the inner workings of their child’s mind, this report can help improve communication, while minimizing misunderstandings and miscommunication.
The individualized results from the report can help parents to learn how to encourage and motivate their child based on their unique personality and preferences. Since children are in a developmental stage, where meta-cognition and applied introspection is difficult, this report helps to create the language and framework necessary to help kids cultivate a growth mindset.
Decision Style Profile Report
The Decision Style Profile is a decision-making assessment that empowers people to make better decisions by enlightening them on how to choose the most effective and appropriate decision-making styles for given situations.
It evaluates the appropriateness with which participants include others in the decision-making process, as well as the extent to which participants consider five critical decision factors in their decision-making process.
DISC Career Style with PowerDISC Report
The DISC Career Style with PowerDISC report identifies work force requirements and matches your behavioral style with suggested careers. By giving you insight into yourself and your inherent strengths and limitations, you will be able to identify career choices that make sense for you.
With the information gained, you will be able to meet your career challenges and choices with confidence.
DISC Leadership Report
Just as there are different types of people, so too are there different types of leaders.
The PeopleKeys DISC Leadership Report provides you with the information you need to maximize your leadership potential and discover the best way to communicate and motivate those around you.
DISC Report
The PeopleKeys® DISC Report includes the following information:
- An Introduction to your DISC Personality Style Report
- Your DISC Style (Graphs)
- Your DISC Style – Understanding your Personality Style
- Style Intensity Overview – Discover Specific Traits of Your Style
- Strengths & Limitations
- Communication – Enhancing Communication with Others
- Action Plan – For Personal Development and Growth
DISC Report (PK3 version)
The DISC Report PK3 version was published in 2019 with updates below:
- Striking and more appealing colour
- Graphs lines are coloured according to the individual’s primary style
- Wider spread of graphs for clearer graph analysis
- PowerDISC shown in dial gauge format
DISC Sales Report
Through this sales report, you’ll better understand your natural tendencies in sales. By understanding your instincts and the needs of your customers, you can intentionally adjust your selling style to better communicate and close more deals.
This report does not just apply to traditional sales positions, but also real estates, customer service, and any other application which includes persuasion or commonly working with others.
Group Dynamics Report
High-performing companies have high-performing teams. Outstanding teams are often crafted and cultivated, so it is no accident that some groups perform better than others.
This team-building tool uses DISC to explore the traits that make independently talented people come together to form a team culture.
High-performing companies have high-performing teams. Outstanding teams are often crafted and cultivated, so it is no accident that some groups perform better than others.
This team-building tool uses DISC to explore the traits that make independently talented people come together to form a team culture.
Influence Style Indicator Report
The Influence Style Indicator is an assessment instrument designed to understand an individual’s preferred style as they influence others.
The assessment addresses one’s preferred, secondary, and underutilized influencing styles. The five unique influencing styles are Rationalizing, Asserting, Negotiating, Inspiring and Bridging.
PeopleKeys 3D Report (DISC, TEAMS, Values)
PeopleKeys 3D Report combines three behavioral assessments into one comprehensive report.
The DISC personality style, thinking style & workplace values style will provide you with in-depth information about your behavior, motivation, decision-making, and natural tendencies in thought and communication when working with others.
PeopleKeys 4D Report (DISC, TEAMS, Values & BAI)
PeopleKeys 4D report is often applied in business circumstances in combination with the DISC, TEAMS role thinking stye, work Values style, and Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) assessments for a truly 4-dimensional view of a person.
This assessment is used most commonly for hiring, team building, and leadership development.
PeopleKeys BAI (Behavioral Attitudes Index) Report
The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) allows you to uncover the hidden motivators, or passions, that influence the way we think and act.
Like it or not, attitude matters in job performance and personal life. Depending on the specific attitudes present, individuals will either excel or struggle in different environments. Awareness of these Behavioral Attitudes provides a sound basis for decision making.
Aligning career and personal goals with knowledge of your Behavioral Attitudes can help you make choices that allow you to feel more positively about your work, and allow you to be more effective and productive.
The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) allows you to uncover the hidden motivators, or passions, that influence the way we think and act.
Like it or not, attitude matters in job performance and personal life. Depending on the specific attitudes present, individuals will either excel or struggle in different environments. Awareness of these Behavioral Attitudes provides a sound basis for decision making.
Aligning career and personal goals with knowledge of your Behavioral Attitudes can help you make choices that allow you to feel more positively about your work, and allow you to be more effective and productive.
White Paper: Getting Your Way
In this White Paper, you may know deeply about personal style and influence.
To influence effectively, you must be adept at getting your opinions and ideas heard, recognized and considered by others.
Influence inherently means that you are able to impact the ideas, opinions, and actions of others.
In 2009 and 2010, Discovery Learning, Inc and Innovative Pathways conducted extensive research on the influence that explores these questions and provides valuable insight into this key leadership skill for a new generation of leaders.
White Paper: PeopleKeys 4D Statistical Analysis
This report shares the correlation of four assessments in 4 Dimensions of Behavioral (4D) Traits Profile which areDISC (4 scales), TEAMS (5 scales), Workplace Values (4 scales), and the Behavioral Attitudes Index (6 scales).
The study clearly demonstrates a strong correlation between workplace communication preferences, values, team thinking styles, and underlying motivational factors. Together, these elements can be used for a highly repeatable and predictable rate of job fit and performance relative to an individual’s preferential behavioral patterns.
This report shares the correlation of four assessments in 4 Dimensions of Behavioral (4D) Traits Profile which areDISC (4 scales), TEAMS (5 scales), Workplace Values (4 scales), and the Behavioral Attitudes Index (6 scales).
The study clearly demonstrates a strong correlation between workplace communication preferences, values, team thinking styles, and underlying motivational factors. Together, these elements can be used for a highly repeatable and predictable rate of job fit and performance relative to an individual’s preferential behavioral patterns.
White Paper: The MBTI and The Five Factor Model
In this White Paper, you may understand more about the differences between MBTI Model and Five Factor Model.
This White Paper was prepared by Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., Co-Founder & Consultant Emeritus, Paradigm Personality Labs. The MBTI was based on Jungian theory while the Five Factor Model is empirically derived. It highlights the six aspects to explain the details on their differences.
White Paper: Validity and Reliability of the WorkPlace Big Five ProFile
In this White Paper, you may know deeply about Validity and Reliability of the WorkPlace Big Five ProFile.
A White Paper presented from CentACS, powered by Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., Director of Research on May 18, 2017.
What does it mean to call a test valid? In some ways, it is like calling a person nice: nice could mean any of many things, depending on who is using the word and about whom s/he is talking! Nice is neatly groomed, but also friendly, or usually smiling. Nice could also mean someone who makes good grades, or who is well-rounded. One who is studious, or helpful, or a hard worker, or just conversational, or even just quite. Volunteers are nice. Well, you get the idea.
WorkPlace Big Five Profile 5.0 Competency Report
The Competency Report measures an individual's natural energy to perform the competencies selected.
The available energy for these competencies is calculated from the WorkPlace Big Five Profile subtrait scores. A distinct set of behavioral subtraits fuels performance in each competency.
The Competency Report measures an individual's natural energy to perform the competencies selected.
The available energy for these competencies is calculated from the WorkPlace Big Five Profile subtrait scores. A distinct set of behavioral subtraits fuels performance in each competency.
WorkPlace Big Five Profile 5.0 Consultant’s Report
The Consultant’s Report is intended to support the Consultant in his/her interpretation of the WorkPlace Big Five Profile Trait Report and Competency Report.
It provides additional information on Trait Variance, Response Set Bias, and Item Responses. It helps individuals gain deeper insights from their WorkPlace reports and support more robust debrief sessions.
The Consultant’s Report is intended to support the Consultant in his/her interpretation of the WorkPlace Big Five Profile Trait Report and Competency Report.
It provides additional information on Trait Variance, Response Set Bias, and Item Responses. It helps individuals gain deeper insights from their WorkPlace reports and support more robust debrief sessions.
Workplace Big Five Profile 5.0 Trait Report
The Trait Report shares the work-centered behavioral tendencies under the most reliable framework for understanding personality, the Big Five Model.
With a certified WorkPlace professional to learn how to apply these results to best organize work life, enhance productivity, orient for success in inter- and intrapersonal interactions, and increase professional satisfaction.
WorkPlace Values Profile
The Values Profile identifies individuals’ values and motivations that affect work preferences and styles. Organizations can use the Values assessment to understand how each employee’s unique motivations contribute to their performance.
This report enables people to connect employee values to team effectiveness and the organization’s bottom line.